Alpine Tour: “Balbersteine from Waldegg”

Scenic tour starting from Waldegg along the Hohe Wand up to the impressive Balbersteine via Scheuchenstein. The trail up to the Balbersteine requires some basic climbing skills but is well protected with fix ropes.

Scenic tour up to the impressive Balbersteine via Scheuchenstein starting in Waldegg

The tour starts at the train station Waldegg-Dürnbach and first follows the road L4066 up to Dürnbach. There, the tour follows the scenic trail towards the Dürnbacher Wasserfall (waterfall) and then the street alongside the Hohe Wand. The tour then follows the red marked hiking trail 03b up to the Panoramaweg and then uses the Panoramaweg to descend towards the Scheuchenstein ruin. After a break at the Kirchenwirt Perger in the village of Scheuchenstein, the tour follows the street L4065 and the trail towards Ungerbach and further to Balbersdorf. Just after entering the village of Balbersdorf, the tour now follows the marked trail up to the Balbersteine and now becomes alpine. The ascent requires basic climbing skills, partly on slippery terrain. The highlight is the pass-through passage shortly before the Mühlstein peak. The tour then descents steep (again on slippery terrain) towards the alpine pasture and then crosses the meadow (unmarked) till reaching again the trail bypassing the Steinbauer farm. Following the road leads towards the hiking trail 03b which is followed back to Dürnbach and the train station Waldegg-Dürnbach.

Tour Description

00:00 Start at the train station Waldegg-Dürnbach and follow the main street L4066 southwestwards.
00:23 At the crossing, turn right and follow the street towards the houses. Stay on the marked trail towards the Dürnbacher Wasserfall.
00:25 Follow the trail along the river towards the Dürnbacher Wasserfall.
00:30 Enjoy the view at the Dürnbacher Wasserfall (waterfall) and continue following the trail steep upwards.
00:35 Back at the street, keep straight and follow the street southwestwards.
00:50 At the crossing, turn left and follow the road towards the forest.
01:00 Keep right and continue following the road along the forest.
01:20 At the crossing, turn left and follow the marked road towards Kirchenwirt Perger.
01:25 Turn right into the hiking trail and descent downwards into the valley via the Panoramaweg.
01:40 Keep straight and turn into the trail towards the impressive rock, bypassing the Scheuchenstein ruin.
01:45 Keep left and follow the street into the village of Scheuchenstein.
01:50 Well-deserved break () at Kirchenwirt Perger.
03:05 Follow the street L4065 northwards for a few meters.
03:15 After the two u-turns, turn sharp right and descend downwards towards the farm.
03:20 Bypass the farm and follow the gravel road northwards.
03:40 Turn left into the street and follow the street towards Balbersdorf.
04:00 Right after entering the village, turn right and follow the street upwards (east).
04:05 After the first u-turn and at the right-turn, keep straight and leave the street. Follow the forest road towards the marked trail which brings you to the start of the Balberstein trail.
04:15 Follow the Balerstein trail upwards. The trail now becomes alpine, steep and slippery but very impressive and scenic.
05:00 Climb up between the pass-through passage up to Mühlstein. Enjoy the view from Mühlstein (best enjoyed with a self-brought refreshment ).
05:10 Follow the trail eastwards (descending steep and slippery!).
05:15 Cross the meadow and descend down towards the visible farm. Bypass the farm and then follow the street.
05:25 Turn left and continue following the street (marked hiking route 03b). Follow the marked trail back to Dürnbach.
06:10 Turn left into the main road and follow it back to the train station.
06:30 Back at the train station Waldegg-Dürnbach, end of the tour.

General Tour Data

Area: Wiener Alpen, Lower Austria, Austria
Distance: 19km
Ascent: 831m (2h 45min)
Descent: 831m (2h 20min)
Highest Pt: 761m
Lowest Pt: 374m
Duration: 5h 15min (without breaks)
6h 30min (with breaks)
Stop/Rest: Kirchenwirt Perger (551m)
Equipment: Backpack with standard hiking equipment
Comfortable hiking shoes with good grip
Snacks, Food and enough water
1x Gipfelbier  
Sun & Weather protection
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At a glance

Level  easy-moderate alpine 
Shape / Fitness
Best time in the year

Tour Diary

2023-05-01 10:00

Weather: Partly cloudy
Participants: Stefan, Robert
Activity: Garmin

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