2022 Review & Achievements

2022 was again an interesting year. Weather was great during the week but bad at weekends. Still, the year allowed to explore new routes, to complete the first self-made long-distance trail (ALProbstEberl), and set new personal speed records. This post provides a review of the achievements of 2022.

1,000 km in Distance & > 50,000 m in Ascent, ALProbstEberl, climbing Alpenvereinssteig < 2:00h and 4 trophies

2022 was again an interesting year. Weather was great during the week but bad at weekends. Still, the year allowed to explore new routes, to complete the first self-made long-distance trail (ALProbstEberl), and set new personal speed records.

2022 Achievements

Stefan   Activities: 58
  Ascent: 52,249 m
  Distance: 1,000.41 km
Special achievements:
  • 2022-07-15 Achieved the HOCHsteiermark – BergZeitReise – Silber trophy (Gold was achieved last year on 2021-11-06)
  • 2022-07-15 Completed the ALProbstEberl long distance trail, from Tragöß towards Mariazell
  • 2022-08-27 Completed all stages of the Seven Summits Wien trophy in one day
  • 2022-10-16 Set a new record in climbing the Alpenvereinssteig from the parking to the Höllentalaussicht in 01:51
  • 2022-11-08 Achieved the Naturpark Mürzer Oberland – Gold trophy
  • 2022-12-26 Achieved the Naturpark Almenland – Gold trophy


Robert   Activities: 19
  Ascent: 17,679 m
  Distance: 2392,61 km
Special achievements:
  • 2022-07-15 Completed the ALProbstEberl long distance trail, from Tragöß towards Mariazell
  • Completed 2025 km on the bicycle!


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